Crops are dry, interrupted by hit-and-miss rains

Crops in the Dakotas and Minnesotan are dry. Timely, but hit-and-miss rains benefitted farmer Vaughn Maudal of Wheaton, Minn. The National Agricultural Statistics Service said the west-central Minnesota area typical in being relatively dry in need of timely rains. The government report on June 21, 2021, said Minnesota’s corn declined to 50% good to excellent. Downgraded from the previous week’s 58% and soybeans were rated 53% good to excellent, down from 61% the previous week.

These will be vital for a farming season that is generally dry, says Vaughn Maudal, who farms with his family in the Wheaton, Minn., area. Maudal, 57, and his wife, Julie, raise corn and soybeans. The Vaughns are backed by sons, Cameron, 25, and Carson, 23. (Cameron is full-time as a grain buyer at the Browns Valley, Minn., location for the Wheaton-Dumont Co-Op Elevator. Vaughn is the current board president.)

The National Agricultural Statistics Service said the west-central Minnesota area is typical in being relatively dry in need of timely rains. The government report on June 21, 2021, said Minnesota’s corn declined to 50% good to excellent from the previous week’s 58% and soybeans were rated 53% good to excellent, down from 61% the previous week.

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