Monthly Archives: April 2021

Jim Beam distiller puts $1 billion behind sustainability, diversity, responsible drinking plans

“The environment is shifting around us and we need to be consumer led in everything we do,” Beam Suntory CEO Albert Baladi told CNBC. As part of those initiatives, Beam Suntory will spend $500 million globally to educate consumers on responsible drinking. Sustainability, diversity and responsible drinking plans are a growing trend in the alcohol business. Alcohol company Beam Suntory

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What will 2021 hold for no-alcohol beer?

In the 2021 National Liquor News Industry Leaders Forum, Laurie Wespes, CEO of Snooper, wrote about the future of the no and low alcohol (nolo) beer market, and how retailers can best support such a future. It’s probably safe to say that no and low (‘nolo’) alcohol products, whilst perhaps leaving infancy and moving into toddlerhood, are unlikely to be a fad or

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